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TMD Treatment Dental services for the whole family

Man experiencing jaw pain

Solutions for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)

Symptoms of TMD include pain, headaches, and difficulty opening your mouth or swallowing.

TMD is a group of conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles that control movement. Stress, genetics, injury, and arthritis are all common causes. If you suffer from TMD, we are here to help.



The first step to helping you is diagnosing whether you actually suffer from TMD. A diagnosis typically involves an examination of your teeth and jaw, discussion of your overall health, and determining whether or not you suffer from teeth grinding, arthritis, or other jaw health concerns.



Treatment options for TMD are designed to reduce inflammation and manage the underlying causes. This includes anti-inflammatory medication, physiotherapy, bite plane therapy, massage or stretches, and general stress reduction. Once the inflammation is treated, most people find that their symptoms subside and they get relief. Neuromodulators can also be used like BOTOX®/Dysport®.

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We’re always excited to meet new families who are looking for a better dental care experience. Whether you would like to visit for a regular cleaning or a more complex treatment, contact us today!